How to add an enum or enumeration to a class in C++?

How to add an enum or enumeration to a class in C++?

Obviously this is simple, but I keep forgetting one element or other of the syntax (usually the terminating semi-colon) so I thought if I made a post about it, I would never forget again, and if I did, I could look at my post and remember.

There are certain parts to an enum configuration:

  1. The enum keyword.
  2. The name of the enumerator. I name this one Items just as an example but it can be named anything you want almost (of course you can’t use C++ keywords).
  3. The open bracket: {
  4. The names of the items separated by comas:
    item1, item2, item3
    Each item has an integer value starting at 0 and incrementing by one. Optionally, you can change a value, and again, ever value thereafter will be +1. So if you want to start at 1 instead of at 0, you would put this:
    item1 = 1, item2, item3
    If you wanted to count from 1,2,3 and then 7,8,9 you could do this:
    item1 = 1, item2, item3, item7 = 7, item8, item9
    Also you can change every item by having every item by assigning every item.

  5. The closing bracket: }
  6. A statement closing semicolon: ;

    So the code for your Items enumerator look like this:

    enum Items
        item1 = 1, item2, item3

    A basic class is shown here:

    class NewObject
        // Public members and functions
        // Protected members and functions
        // Private members and functions

    So to add an enum to you need to decide, is it a public, protected, or private enum? I think it is most common to have public enumerations so that is what my example shows.

    class NewObject
        // Public members and functions
        enum Items
            item1 = 1, item2, item3
        // Protected members and functions
        // Private members and functions

    Now you can use the enum on any instantiated class.

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