PC-BSD's Ports Console in a jail is cool, but I keep clicking when I want a normal console!
Hello all,
PC-BSD’s Ports Console in a jail is cool, but I keep clicking when I want a normal console!
So today, I got fed up and I drew a new Icon for it:
I then renamed it from Ports Console to Ports Jail.
I’ll never make this mistake again and I think I will suggest this idea on the PC-BSD forums.
This didn’t exactly work as expected. Sure, I never confuse the Icon on the desktop anymore, or in the KDE Menu, but now I have a different problem. If I open the Jail first, then open the regular Konsole, the icon for the running Konsole and Jail apps in the task bar are both Jail icons. The same in reverse. If I open Konsole, then open the Jail, the icons for the running Konsole and Jail apps in the task bar are both Konsole icons.
I can’t seem to make this work how I want.