Opening konsole and a Ports Jail konsole can be confusing on PC-BSD
If I open Ports Jail, then a regular konsole, the regular konsole gets the Ports Jail icon. I can’t really tell the konsole sessions apart.
The same things happens if I do it the other way around. If I open a regular konsole, then Ports Jail, the Ports Jail gets the konsole icon. Again, I can’t really tell the konsole sessions apart.
This causes me some confusion. Which konsole am I running? I have to take a moment to verify or close them both.
Solution: Opening the Ports Jail with a different konsole profile
One solution is to have the Ports Jail konsole session use its own konsole profile that uses a custom konsole profile.
Here is how I configured that:
- I created a LavenderOnBlack color scheme, which is a copy of the GreenOnBlack with Lavender instead of Green. Normally I use the GreenOnBlack color scheme.~/kde4/share/apps/konsole/LavenderOnBlack.colorscheme
[Background] Color=0,0,0 Transparency=false [BackgroundIntense] Color=0,0,0 Transparency=false [Color0] Color=0,0,0 Transparency=false [Color0Intense] Color=104,104,104 Transparency=false [Color1] Color=250,75,75 Transparency=false [Color1Intense] Color=255,84,84 Transparency=false [Color2] Color=24,178,24 Transparency=false [Color2Intense] Color=84,255,84 Transparency=false [Color3] Color=178,104,24 Transparency=false [Color3Intense] Color=255,255,84 Transparency=false [Color4] Color=92,167,251 Transparency=false [Color4Intense] Color=84,84,255 Transparency=false [Color5] Color=225,30,225 Transparency=false [Color5Intense] Color=255,84,255 Transparency=false [Color6] Color=24,178,178 Transparency=false [Color6Intense] Color=84,255,255 Transparency=false [Color7] Color=178,178,178 Transparency=false [Color7Intense] Color=255,255,255 Transparency=false [Foreground] Color=192,0,192 Transparency=false [ForegroundIntense] Bold=true Color=210,0,210 Transparency=false [General] Description=LavenderOnBlack Opacity=0.92
- Next I created a copy of the shell.profile named PortsJail.profile.
~/kde4/share/apps/konsole/LavenderOnBlack.colorscheme[Appearance] ColorScheme=LavenderOnBlack [Cursor Options] CustomCursorColor=192,0,0 UseCustomCursorColor=true [General] MenuIndex=6 Name=PortsJail Parent=FALLBACK/ RemoteTabTitleFormat=%h : %u TabBarMode=1 TabBarPosition=1 [Scrolling] HistoryMode=2 [Terminal Features] BlinkingCursorEnabled=true
- I then edited the Ports Jail shortcut on the desktop to pass it the approprate TerminalOptions to use the PortsJail.profile. Here is the one line I changed.
TerminalOptions=--profile /usr/home/jared/.kde4/share/apps/konsole/PortsJail.profile
Now whenever I open the ports Jail, I can easily tell it is the Ports Jail and not the regular konsole because it is using a LavenderOnBlack profile.