I’m starting a Masters in Computer Science with an Android and a Computer Security course
For those who don’t know already, I am preparing to start a Masters in Computer science. Yes, it is crazy…I am an now a USU aggie.
I can take four classes before I have to be officially accepted, and my first two classes are Android Development and Computer Security. Both are great classes.
I don’t get to use MonoDroid from my Android class, so yes, I will be writing code in Java using Eclipse (gasp!). By the way, I already know Java and I have used Eclipse plenty, even though I work in C#, every class in school I have taken had me code in Java and I have coded for Salesforce, which uses Eclipse and is Java-like.
My security class is to be written in C++ on an open source platform, so I will be putting my computer back into dual-boot with PC-BSD. I may try MonoDevelop’s IDE for my C++ tasks or maybe KDevelop, or I may just go command line.
So expect a few java/Android posts and some C++ posts that are related to security. However, I still work in C# and I still like BSD, so expect those posts too.