Amazon S3 Bucket Management with C#: Part 1 – Creating a Bucket
Before getting started
Skill Level: Beginner
- You already have Visual Studio installed.
- You are familiar with creating projects in Visual Studio.
- We assume you have already gone to AWS and registered with them. If you haven’t done that already, stop and go there now. Amazon has a free tier and you can create an account here:
Additional Information: I sometimes cover small sub-topics in a post. Along with AWS, you will also be exposed to:
- .NET Core 2.0 – If you use .NET Framework, the steps will be slightly different, but as this is a beginner level tutorial, it should be simple.
- async, await, Task
- Rhyous.SimpleArgs
Step 1 – Create the project
- Open Visual Studio.
- Go to File | New Project.
- Choose Console Application.
Give it any name you want.
I am going to call my project Rhyous.AmazonS3BucketManager.
Step 2 – Add NuGet Packages
- Right-click on your project and choose Management NuGet Packages.
- Search for AWSSDK.S3.
- Install the NuGet package and all the dependencies.
- Search for System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.
- Install it.
Step 3 – Create a BucketManager.cs file
- Create a new file called BucketManager.cs.
- Enter this code:
using Amazon; using Amazon.S3; using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Rhyous.AmazonS3BucketManager { public class BucketManager { public static async Task CreateBucket(string bucketName) { var region = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSRegion"]); var client = new AmazonS3Client(region); await client.PutBucketAsync(bucketName); Console.WriteLine($"Created S3 bucket: {bucketName}"); } } }
Step 4 – Edit the Program.cs
- Add the following to Program.cs.
static void Main() { var task = BucketManager.CreateBucket(""); task.Wait(); }
Step 5 – Create/Edit the App.config
- If there isn’t an app.config in your project, create one.
- Right-click on your project and choose Add | New Item.
- Search for Application Configuration File.
Make sure it is name app.config. - Add an appSetting for your AWS profile name.
Add an additional appSetting for your chosen AWS region.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="yourprofilename"/> <add key="AWSRegion" value="us-west-2" /> </appSettings> </configuration>
Step 6 – Configure an Argument for the bucket name.
We are going to be adding to this program in subsequent posts. For this reason, we are going to use Rhyous.SimpleArgs library for our command line arguments as it provides ready-made command line argument features.
- Install another NuGet Package.
- Right-click on your project and choose Management NuGet Packages.
- Search for Rhyous.SimpleArgs
- Install it.
- Create an ArgsHandler.cs file to define the arguments:
Note: If you used a .NET core project you have to create this file. If you created a .NET Framework file, this file should have been created for you and you have but to edit it.using Rhyous.SimpleArgs; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Rhyous.AmazonS3BucketManager { public class ArgsHandler : ArgsHandlerBase { public override void InitializeArguments(IArgsManager argsManager) { Arguments.AddRange(new List<Argument> { new Argument { Name = "Bucket", ShortName = "b", Description = "The bucket name to create. No uppercase or underscores allowed.", Example = "{name}=my.first.bucket", DefaultValue = "my.first.bucket", IsRequired = true, CustomValidation = (value) => { return Regex.IsMatch(value, "^[a-z0-9.]+$"); }, Action = (value) => { Console.WriteLine(value); } } }); } public override void HandleArgs(IReadArgs inArgsHandler) { base.HandleArgs(inArgsHandler); Program.OnArgumentsHandled(); } } }
- Update Program.cs as follows:
using Rhyous.SimpleArgs; using System; namespace Rhyous.AmazonS3BucketManager { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { new ArgsManager<ArgsHandler>().Start(args); } internal static void OnArgumentsHandled() { var bucketName = Args.Value("Bucket"); var task = BucketManager.CreateBucket(bucketName); task.Wait(); } } }
Now for fun, you can delete the app.config and change them to parameters.
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