Archive for the ‘Development’ Category.

How to compile WinNFSd with Visual Studio?

Recently I needed an NFS server on Windows, preferably written in C++. A long time ago I had used WinNFSd and sure enough the project still exists on Sourceforge, though unfortunately it hasn’t been updated since 2005.

However, I found that someone had updated it here:

So the big question, how do you compile this on windows with Visual Studio?

Step 1 – Download and extract the WinNFSd source

  1. Go to and download the source.
    Note: You can alternately download the git hub source as it has an update you might like:
  2. Click the Zip button at the top of the page to download the source as a zip.
    Note: Alternately if you have git working already you can clone this repo.
  3. Extract the zip file to a directory.  Remember where you extracted it as we will copy the source files later.

Step 2 – Create a new Visual Studio solution

  1. In Visual Studio, go to File | New | Project.
  2. Select Other Languages | Visual C++ | Empty Project.
    Note: Depending on your Visual Studio configuration you may Visual C++ in a different place.
  3. Name the solution WinNFSd.
  4. Click Ok.

Step 3 – Add the WinNFSd files to your solution

  1. In Visual Studio, right-click on your Project and click Open Folder in Windows Explorer.
  2. Create a new folder to hold your source code.
    Note: I simply named my folder src.
  3. Copy the source you extracted in Step 1 into the src directory.
  4. Highlight all the files in the src directory.
  5. Drag the files into Visual Studio and drop them on your project.
Note: If you try to build now, you will get 22 errors in debug mode and maybe 17 in release mode.

Step 4 – Configure the project properties

  1. In Visual Studio, right-click on your project and choose Properties.
    Note: The Configuration should say Active(Debug) currently.
  2. Go to Configuration Properties | Linker | Input.
  3. Add ws2_32.lib to the Additional Dependencies.
  4. Change the Configuration to Release and add ws2_32.lib for release as well.

Step 5 – Handle the Visual Studio C++ Runtime

If you were to compile now, and try to run your project on a different machine (not the one running Visual Studio) you would likely get an error due to a missing dll.  Here is the error you will likely receive.

The program can’t start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

I am not going to explain the solution again here, because it is all documented here:
Avoiding the MSVCR100.dll or MSVCR100D.dll is missing error

Choose the best of the three solutions for you from the link above.

Note: For this single file exe, I prefer the statically linked option.

Step 6 – Build WinNFSd

  1. You should now be able to click Build | Build Solution and it should build.

You should be able to test both debug and release.

Note: I received 37 warnings, which would be nice to resolve, but I wouldn’t worry too much about them.


LANDesk Support Tools – Android Edition (Demo)

This is my first real project written for Android. Yes, I wrote it in C# using Mono for Android.

How to connect to the LANDesk MBSDK using C#?

This article is to demonstrate to LANDesk admins how to connect to the LANDesk MBSDK with C#.



  1. A LANDesk Core Server accessible via the network.
  2. Credentials to connect to the LANDesk Core Server.

Basically if you can hit the MBSDK with a browser and login, you are good to go.

Visual Studio

  1. It is assumed that you have Visual Studio Professional installed

Step 1 – Create a Visual Studio Project

  1. In Visual Studio, Go to File | New | Project.
  2. Select that project type.
    Note: For this example I chose Console Application.
  3. Give the Project a name.
    Note: I named my project TalkToMBSDK.
  4. Click OK.
    Note: I went ahead and left my client application configured for .NET 4 even though I know the server currently is .NET 3.5 Sp1.

Step 2 – Add a Web Reference to the MBSDK

  1.  In you new Visual Studio project, right-click on the project and click Add Service Reference.
    Note: We actually need a Web  Reference but this is how we get there.
  2. Click Advanced on the bottom left.
  3. Click on Add Web Reference, also on the bottom left.
  4. Enter the URL to the MBSDK on your Core Server: http://CoreServer/mbsdkservice/msgsdk.asmx
  5. Change the Web Reference Name (on the right) to mbsdk.
    Note: You can name it whatever you want, but because there is an object called MBSDK (all uppercase), I chose to make the namespace mbsdk (all lowercase).
  6. Click Add Reference.

Step 3 – Test using the LANDesk SDK

  1. In the Program.cs add the following code.  You next steps are in the code comments.
using System.Net;
using TalkToMBSDK.mbsdk;

namespace TalkToMBSDK
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Step 1 - You need to use your credentials
            string user = "SomeUser";
            string password = "SomePassword";
            string domain = "SomeDomain.tld";

            // Step 2 - Configure a CredentialCache object with the URL and your creds
            string uri = "http://CoreServer/MBSDKService/MsgSDK.asmx";
            CredentialCache MyCredentialCache = new System.Net.CredentialCache();
            MyCredentialCache.Add(new System.Uri(uri), "NTLM", new NetworkCredential(user, password, domain));

            // Step 3 - Create an MBSDK object and set its CredentialCache object to the one you just created
            MBSDK sdk = new MBSDK();
            sdk.Credentials = MyCredentialCache;

            // Step 4 - Go ahead an call methods from the MBSDK
            // Note: If you get 401 unathorized, are you a LANDesk Administrator?
            string[] configs = sdk.GetClientConfigurations();
            DeviceList list = sdk.ListMachines("");
            string who = sdk.WhoAmI();

Have fun LANDesk Admins.

A test of encapsulation security in C#

I am taking a Computer Security course as part of my Masters of Computer Science and a specific question inspired the idea of testing the security of Encapsulation in C#.

I was curious, if exposing an object that is not exposed would be as simple as changing a single bit with a hex editor.

So I created two projects:

A dll that doesn’t expose two objects.

namespace EncapsulatedLibrary
    class Class1
        public int i = 27;

    class Class2
        public int i = 29;

An executable that references the dll and tries to use objects that are not exposed.

using EncapsulatedLibrary;

namespace TestLink
    class TestLinkProgram
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Class1 c1 = new Class1();
            int val1 = c1.i;
            Class2 c2 = new Class2();
            int val2 = c2.i;

Ok, now if you compile these, the dll compiles fine, but the exe fails to build.

Now try to use a hex editor to change the compiled version of the dll to expose these objects.

So real quick, I copied the dll and then changed the classes to public and recompiled. Then using a hex editor, HxD, I compared the two files.

Sure enough, on row 00000390, the 13th octet, I changed it from 00 to 01 and now Class1 is public.
On the very next row, 000003A0, the 10th octet, I changed it from 00 to 01 and now Class2 is public.

With this simple hack, I have made two objects public that should not be public. While in this example, this is not malicious, there are ways this could be used maliciously. Imagine if you had functionality limitations on users and they should not have rights to do certain processes but due to exposing a library, they can do these processes.

So now the next question left to be answered is this: What tools exist as controls to prevent such an attack?

How to find the duplicate in an array using Big O of N?


Write an algorithm that finds the duplicate in an array using Big O of N, not Big O of N^2.


The array is an integer array and has a MAX_VALUE items (lets just use 1000 as an example). All integers are between 0 and MAX_VALUE (pretend the input is limited to values between 0 and MAX_VALUE). There is only one duplicate and you are not sure where it is. What is the most efficient way to find it.

    int[] i = new int[1000];

There is one duplicate and it is the worst case duplicate.  You can simulate a worst case duplicate as follows:

    for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++)
        array[i] = i+1;
    array[999] = 999;

So the duplicates are the second to last and the last.


This is one possible answer that assumes the values are between 0 and MAX_VALUE.

    /// <summary>
    /// Efficient because it has a Big O of n.
    /// </summary>
    public int FindDuplcate(int[] inArray)
        bool[] tmpArray = new bool[1000];
        for (int i = 0; i < inArray.Length; i++)
            if (tmpArray[inArray[i]] == true)
                return i;
            tmpArray[inArray[i]] = true;
        return -1;

Incorrect answers

Here is a little test app with two incorrect answers and two possible correct answer. Feel free to comment with your answers.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;

namespace FindDuplicateInArray
    class Program
        const int MAX_VALUE = 1000;        

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Worst case
            int[] array = new int[MAX_VALUE];
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VALUE - 1; i++)
                array[i] = i + 1;
            array[MAX_VALUE - 1] = MAX_VALUE - 1;

            // Incorrect answer: Big O of N^2
            //IFindADuplicateInArrays dupFinder1 = new BruteForceDupFinder();
            //int dup = dupFinder1.FindDuplcate(array);

            // Incorrect answer: Big O of N^2
            //IFindADuplicateInArrays dupFinder2 = new LessBruteForceDupFinder();
            //int dup = dupFinder2.FindDuplcate(array);

            // Possible correct answer: Big O of N but with a limitation
            //IFindADuplicateInArrays dupFinder3 = new EfficientDupFinderWithLimitation();
            //int dup = dupFinder3.FindDuplcate(array);

            // Possbile correct answer: Big O of N
            IFindADuplicateInArrays dupFinder3 = new EfficientDupFinder();
            int dup = dupFinder3.FindDuplcate(array);


        public interface IFindADuplicateInArrays
            int FindDuplcate(int[] inArray);

        /// <summary>
        /// Incorrect Answer: This is simple N*N alogithm. Big 0 = N^2
        /// </summary>
        public class BruteForceDupFinder : IFindADuplicateInArrays
            #region IFindADuplicateInArrays Members

            public int FindDuplcate(int[] inArray)
                for (int i = 0; i < inArray.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < inArray.Length; j++)
                        if (i != j && inArray[i] == inArray[j])
                            return j;
                return -1;


        /// <summary>
        /// Incorrect Answer: This is N(N-1)/2 which is N*N/2-n/2 so remove the constants N^2-N. 
        /// When there is N^2-N you can keep the N that grows fastest: Big O = N2
        /// But the original alrogithm is less N^2 than just N^2.
        /// </summary>
        public class LessBruteForceDupFinder : IFindADuplicateInArrays
            #region IFindADuplicateInArrays Members

            public int FindDuplcate(int[] inArray)
                for (int i = 0; i < inArray.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < inArray.Length; j++)
                        if (inArray[i] == inArray[j])
                            return j;
                return -1;


        /// <summary>
        /// Possible Answer: Efficient because it has a Big O of n.
        /// Limitation: If an item in the array is greater than the MAX_VALUE, 
        ///             an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs.
        /// </summary>
        public class EfficientDupFinderWithLimitation : IFindADuplicateInArrays
            #region IFindADuplicateInArrays Members

            public int FindDuplcate(int[] inArray)
                bool[] tmpArray = new bool[1000];
                for (int i = 0; i < inArray.Length; i++)
                    if (tmpArray[inArray[i]] == true)
                        return i;
                    tmpArray[inArray[i]] = true;
                return -1;


        /// <summary>
        /// Possible Answer: Efficient because it has a Big O of n.
        /// </summary>
        public class EfficientDupFinder : IFindADuplicateInArrays
            #region IFindADuplicateInArrays Members
            public int FindDuplcate(int[] inArray)
                Dictionary<int, bool> table = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
                for (int i = 0; i < inArray.Length; i++)
                    if (table.Keys.Contains(inArray[i]))
                        return i;
                    table.Add(inArray[i], true);
                return -1;

Run this through Visual Studio’s Performance Analysis tool once for each answer (comment and uncomment). To really see the difference, change MAX_VALUE to 1 million.

WPF MVVM Tutorial

Decoupling in all 7 areas of development

There are 7 main development areas and decoupling, especially decoupling using interface-based design, will be most successful when it occurs in all possible areas.

  1. Code – writing code, sharing code, linking to libraries
  2. Test Code – Unit Tests, Mocked tests, coded functional tests
  3. User Experience – UI design.  The UI should be decoupled from code.
  4. Source Control – Code repositories, branching
  5. Build – compiling, versioning, signing, publishing
  6. Install – Any install method such as MSI, EXE, RPM. Any updates or patches.
  7. Localization – Make this independent of build/compiling

If you decouple everywhere, it is easy to remain decoupled. This leads to good architecture – the overall design of your software.


Code should be easy to write and maintain always.

Let’s face it. Coupled code is often the easiest to start with. However, while it is easy to start out using coupled code, it becomes very difficult to use coupled code as a project grows.

Interface-based design is one method of decoupling code. You are still coupled, just instead of coupled to code, you are coupled to an interface that rarely changes and the code that implements that interface is free to be refactored as long as the tests against the interface pass.

If your code is decoupled, you are free to write your code as you will.

Test Code

I often hear someone say they don’t need to use interface-based design because their code is never going to be an API.  This is not true. If you are Unit Testing properly, your code is always going to be an API even if only your Unit Tests and Functional Tests interface with your code/API.

In decoupled code using interface-based design, your interfaces should have 400% coverage.

100% for each of the following:

  • Expected values
  • Null values
  • Empty values
  • Exception causing values

Write Unit Tests that are exhaustive for your interfaces.  The object that implements the interface will be easier to refactor this way because the new refactoring can implement the interface either directly or through an adapter and you will know nothing can be broken in your refactored code because all the tests pass.

All code that touches the system or requires resources not on a clean build system should be mockable. If you use interface-based design your are mockable by default. For your development language, do a search for mocking libraries such as RhinoMocks for C#.  Also, be aware of how to use an adapter or wrapper to allow for mocking, such as SystemWrapper for C#.

User Experience

User Interfaces (UIs) should be developed independent of the back-end code. They should be developed first or at least simultaneously to the back-end code.  This allows for user experience tests to occur early in the process and changes based on the feedback to be easy and quick. Tools to design UIs that allow for customer feedback already exist, such as SketchFlow for rich Windows WPF UIs.

The UI should be decoupled from the code. You should probably have two separate UIs just so you can switch between them to show how the UI is not coupled to the code and can be switched at any time.

Source Control

Decouple your source control. I don’t mean that one team uses Subversion, another GIT, and another TFS. I mean that your project is in its own repository, and has few as possible prerequisites projects as possible. This is made possible by interface-based design. If you have a 10 features, all on top of core functionality, you should have one core functionality repository and 10 feature repositories.

Also, if you source is not decoupled you are tempted to couple your code with other code.  This lead us to build.


Build does not just mean on a build system. Lets start with the developer building on their local machine. A developer should be able to check out a project and build it without any effort beyond the checkout.  Ok, maybe if you are C# developer you need to at least install Visual Studio. But then you should be able to check out a solution, open it, and press F5 to build it and the build should work. If not, your process is broken and developers’ time is wasted.

Now to the build system or CI builds.

Coupled code is hard to build. Dependency loops can occur. Builds have to occur in specific order, and this takes longer.

With interface-based design, you build your interface libraries first and they build almost instantly as they have no real code. Then you simultaneously build everything else.  Your build is extremely fast because you can build everything with different threads simultaneously (or even on different build machines), even for extremely large applications because they only link to the interfaces.

Different parts of your project can and should have different versions. Just because you release YourProduct 3.0 doesn’t mean that the a library hasn’t already matured beyond to 5.1.  And because of your decoupled interface-based design, you can upgrade YourProduct 3.0 to use version 5.2 of the library and it won’t know the difference. This leads right into install.


Installing should be decoupled. If your project is big enough, it is ok to have 100 different installs. Sure, for Windows don’t show 100 items in Add / Remove Programs, just one or a few.  But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have each piece of your product separately installable, patchable, and upgradeable.

Think of a product with four different parts. You should be able to install, upgrade, and patch each of the four parts separately.  The product as a whole can be version 3.0 but different parts can be different versions. You may have a piece that is very mature, at version 5.1 and a piece that was just refactored for your 3.0 release and it is version 1.0.  Your four products could be: 3.0, 5.1, 1.0, 3.0.

If you are properly decoupled and using interface-based design, you can upgrade any of the four parts to a new version without the other three parts having any adverse affects at all.


It is frustrating to have to wait for a build to see and test your localization.  Sure some people only have to wait for the first build and then can generate their satellite assemblies from there. However, I disagree with any localization strategy that involves build. I cringe when I hear “localization lock down” because the release is soon.  Really? Does it have to be this way?

How can you do this? Decouple text from the software.

Text should stay where text belongs, in text files. Whether it be a property-value-list or an XML, localization should be dynamic. Let the software pull in text dynamically from a text file. Then switching language in a UI is just a matter of changing from one text file set to another (probably as simple as changing a two, three, or five-letter path).

And the text is patchable without build risk.  If you are 1 day from shipping and you realize you have a completely erroneous string, you can edit a text file to fix it without little to no risk.

Edit the text file(s) without a build and run time just picks up the corrected text.

Since the UI was done before or simultaneous to the back-end code, the localization will be done early and changing may be made often.


Decoupling is a massive undertaking and doesn’t just mean to decouple code. Decoupling is methodology that should be used everywhere in all aspects of the software development life cycle.

Feature branching fits the Kanban model – Branching by MMF

I have to say I am a fan of branching for feature or for team.  I think branching for feature, or branching for a Minimal Marketable Feature (MMF), really fits into the Kanban model.

However, decouple first. This article was really good about talking about a decoupling branching strategy.

Once decouple, branch by feature or in the Kanban world, Branch by MMF.

Here are the positive and negatives.

Branch by feature or team (team and feature are similar)




Having read all of these. The negatives are important to read.

It seems that a lot of the negatives are eliminated by the following.

  1. Decoupled code
  2. Using Interface-based design (which is a method for decoupling code)
  3. Keeping MMFs as small as possible (which they should be anyway: “Minimal” marketable feature
  4. Merging main to the feature branch daily/weekly
  5. Running tests on CI on feature branches as well as on main
  6. Checkin’s are gated so a failed build/test prevents check in.

Also read the comments as there are real experiences shared there (assuming the author of the comments are sincere).

A successful branch by MMF strategy can be done with any source control tool.

Side Note 1:

I’ve been using GIT lately for a project in my Masters of Computer Science’s Security course. I finally understand why GIT has become the de facto source control for Open Source, because branching on your local machine can be helpful and efficient. The local check out on your dev box IS A BRANCH and can be branched and you can branch by feature or by task locally.

I recently wrote something I couldn’t check in and couldn’t branch it locally with our source control, but I could have with GIT.

Side Note 2:

Another side note: TortoiseGit and TortoiseSVN are both on my dev box now and explorer.exe is constantly at 45% CPU slowing my system.

Visual Studio Black Theme

For those of you who want a black background in Visual Studio with colored text as shown in the image below, go ahead and download the settings here.

DOWNLOAD: Visual Studio

Here is a screen shot of what this looks like.

Visual Studio 2008 Text Editor with black background

Visual Studio 2008 Text Editor with black background

How to import the theme

  1. Extract the zip file.
  2. In Visual Studio, go to Tools | Import and Export Settings.
  3. Choose Import selected environment settings and click Next.
  4. Choose yes to save your settings and click Next (you never know if you don’t like the theme and you want to go back).
  5. Browse to the extracted Black.vssettings file, make sure it is highlighted, and click Finish.
Happy colors on black.


Unwrapping a packet with Pcap and tcpdump (Part 1 – Ethernet Header)

If you are familiar with the OSI model, you are aware that network packets are wrapped in layers called headers.
Note: Don’t confuse these with C++ headers, these are network packet headers and I will try to always clarify by saying “packet headers” or “C++ headers”.
The goal of this article to demonstrate how to unwrap these packet headers using C++ and the Pcap and tcpdump libraries.


  • You have read the previous Pcap posts.
  • Basic understanding of the OSI model
  • Basic knowledge of networking

Packet Headers

The first layer of a valid packet will contain an ethernet layer and it will be the first 14 octets. Each octet is a pair of hex numbers.  If you look at a standard TCP Syn packet in Wireshark, it will be displayed in Hex view as follows:

00 18 e7 dc e7 29 00 1f 3b 69 4f 29 08 00 45 00
00 34 0c 93 40 00 80 06 aa 86 c0 a8 00 0f 41 30
41 c3 39 22 00 50 c9 bc 46 2b 00 00 00 00 80 02
20 00 c2 11 00 00 02 04 05 b4 01 03 03 02 01 01
04 02

But you could display the octets in bits using the Bits View to see the binary representation of the packet:

00000000 00011000 11100111 11011100 11100111 00101001 00000000 00011111
00111011 01101001 01001111 00101001 00001000 00000000 01000101 00000000
00000000 00110100 00001100 10010011 01000000 00000000 10000000 00000110
10101010 10000110 11000000 10101000 00000000 00001111 01000001 00110000
01000001 11000011 00111001 00100010 00000000 01010000 11001001 10111100
01000110 00101011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000 00000010
00100000 00000000 11000010 00010001 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000100
00000101 10110100 00000001 00000011 00000011 00000010 00000001 00000001
00000100 00000010

I will use Hex unless demonstrating something that is easier to explain in binary.

Because this is a TCP Syn packet, there actually is no data or payload, just packet headers really, because it is just the first packet of a TCP handshake, but we can still demonstrate the idea of packet headers (and it is easier since the packet is smaller).

The first 14 octets comprises the first packet header and it has three items of data:

00 18 e7 dc e7 29 - (6 octets) Destination Mac Address
00 1f 3b 69 4f 29 - (6 octets) Source Mac Address<
08 00             - (2 octets) Ethertype

So our first job in C++ is to get this packet header data into a struct. Structs are already created in the tcpdump library if you want to use them, but if you want, you can create your own.

We will continue the project we started here: How to read a PCap file from Wireshark with C++

Step 1 – Download tcpdump

  1. Go to the tcpdump developer page:
  2. Download the latest stable version of WinPcap.
  3. Extract to your solution directory.

Step 2 – Add tcpdump to Additional Include Directories

  1. In Visual Studio, right-click on your project and go to Properties.
  2. Go to Configuration Properties | C/C++ | General.
  3. Note: If you don’t see the C/C++ option, did you forget to do Step 2 above?
  4. For Additional Include Directories add the relative path to the tcpdump-4.2.0 directory you just extracted:

Step 3 – Add #include statements for packet headers and enums

The ether.h file that comes with tcpdump code has a small amount of code that include three #define and one struct (BSD license and comments omitted for brevity).

#define	ETHERMTU	1500
#define	ETHER_ADDR_LEN		6
struct	ether_header {
	u_int8_t	ether_dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
	u_int8_t	ether_shost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
	u_int16_t	ether_type;
#define ETHER_HDRLEN		14

However, there are other C++ headers that provide struct for packet headers as well as useful #define statements and enumerations. Here is a list of some of the tcpdump c++ headers you should become familiar with.

// These provide Packet Headers and Enums
#include <ether.h>
#include <ip.h>
#include <ipproto.h>
#include <tcp.h>
#include <udp.h>
#include <ethertype.h>

Add these to the main.cpp.

We are now ready to start unwrapping the packet headers with c++ code.

Step 4 – Create some helper functions

Let’s move the printing of the packet into its own function, this will get it out of our way.

Lets also create a function to only print parts of the packet.

Also, add a function to convert ethertype values to strings.

First declare them…

// Declare helper functions
void PrintPacket(pcap_pkthdr * header, const u_char *data);
void PrintData(u_int startOctet, u_int endOctet, const u_char *data);
char * get_ethertype(const u_int16_t ethertype);

Then define them….

void PrintPacket(pcap_pkthdr * header, const u_char *data)
	// Print using printf. See printf reference:

	// Show the packet number
	printf("Packet # %i\n", ++packetCount);

	// Show the size in bytes of the packet
	printf("Packet size: %ld bytes\n", header->len);

	// Show a warning if the length captured is different
	if (header->len != header->caplen)
		printf("Warning! Capture size different than packet size: %ld bytes\n", header->len);

	// Show Epoch Time
	printf("Epoch Time: %ld:%ld seconds\n", header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec);

	// loop through the packet and print it as hexidecimal representations of octets
	// We also have a function that does this similarly below: PrintData()
	for (u_int i=0; (i < header->caplen ) ; i++)
		// Start printing on the next after every 16 octets
		if ( (i % 16) == 0) printf("\n");

		// Print each octet as hex (x), make sure there is always two characters (.2).
		printf("%.2x ", data[i]);

void PrintData(u_int startOctet, u_int endOctet, const u_char *data)
	for (u_int i = startOctet; i <= endOctet; i++)
		// Print each octet as hex (x), make sure there is always two characters (.2).
		printf("%.2x ", data[i]);

// Returns a string representation of the common Ethertype
char * get_ethertype(const u_int16_t ethertype)
		return "IPv4";
		return "IPv6";
		return "ARP";
		return "Unknown";

Step 5 – Unwrapping the first packet header with the ether_header struct

Once we have printed the packet out, we are now going to print details of the packet.

  1. Create a pointer to an ether_header struct.
  2. Assign it the same memory address as the data pointer.
const struct ether_header *ethernet;
ethernet = (struct ether_header*)(data);

Now print out the three items in the struct: Destination Mac, Source Mac, and Ethertype.

// Print Destination Mac Address
printf("Dst MAC: ");

// Print Source Mac Address
printf("Src MAC: ", ethernet->ether_shost);

// Print EtherType
printf("Ethertype: %s (%#.4x)\n", get_ethertype(ethernet->ether_type), ethernet->ether_type);

Everything should print fine except the ethertype. It is 0x0080 instead of 0x8000. In the next step we will fix this.

Step 6 – Fix the bit order of the ether_type

We are going to use the ntohs() function to fix the bits. This is defined on windows in the Ws2_32.lib library, which is not included, so we must include it.

  1. In Visual Studio, right-click on your project and go to Properties.
  2. Go to Configuration Properties | Linker | Input.
  3. For Additional Dependencies, add the following:

Now we can go ahead and use the ntohs() function in our code.

// Print EtherType
u_short ethertype = ntohs(ethernet->ether_type);
printf("Ethertype: %s (%#.4x)\n", get_ethertype(ethertype), ethertype);

Lets end here for now. We have successfully unwrapped the first packet header.

Here is the full main.cpp file.

	Copyright 2011 Rhyous. All rights reserved.

	Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
	permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

	   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
		  conditions and the following disclaimer.

	   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
		  of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
		  provided with the distribution.


	The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
	authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
	or implied, of Rhyous.

* How to read a packet capture file.

* Step 1 - Add includes and namespace
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <pcap.h>

// These provide headers and enums
#include <ether.h>
#include <ip.h>
#include <ipproto.h>
#include <tcp.h>
#include <udp.h>
#include <ethertype.h>

using namespace std;

// Declare helper functions
void PrintPacket(pcap_pkthdr * header, const u_char *data);
void PrintData(u_int startOctet, u_int endOctet, const u_char *data);
u_short get_ethertype_value(const u_char *data);
char * get_ethertype(const u_int16_t ethertype);

// static values
static u_int packetCount = 0;

// Defines
#define SIZE_ETHERNET 14

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	* Step 2 - Get a file name

	string file = "C:\\users\\jared\\testfiles\\smallcapture.pcap";

	* Step 3 - Create an char array to hold the error.

	// Note: errbuf in pcap_open functions is assumed to be able to hold at least PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE chars
	//       PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE is defined as 256.
	char errbuff[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];

	* Step 4 - Open the file and store result in pointer to pcap_t

	// Use pcap_open_offline
	pcap_t * pcap = pcap_open_offline(file.c_str(), errbuff);

	* Step 5 - Create a header and a data object

	// Create a header object:
	struct pcap_pkthdr *header;

	// Create a character array using a u_char
	// u_char is defined here:
	// C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\WinSock2.h
	// typedef unsigned char   u_char;
	const u_char *data;

	* Step 6 - Loop through packets and print them to screen
	while (int returnValue = pcap_next_ex(pcap, &header, &data) >= 0)
		// I moved the code for printing the packet as hex values
		// to a function
		PrintPacket(header, data);

		// Print the packet in details
		printf("Packet Details\n");

		// Unwrap ether_header (first 14 bytes)
		const struct ether_header *ethernet;
		ethernet = (struct ether_header*)(data);

		// Print Destination Mac Address
		printf("Dst MAC: ");

		// Print Source Mac Address
		printf("Src MAC: ", ethernet->ether_shost);

		// Print EtherType
		u_short ethertype = ntohs(ethernet->ether_type);
		printf("Ethertype: %s (%#.4x)\n", get_ethertype(ethertype), ethertype);

		// Add two lines between packets

void PrintPacket(pcap_pkthdr * header, const u_char *data)
	// Print using printf. See printf reference:

	// Show the packet number
	printf("Packet # %i\n", ++packetCount);

	// Show the size in bytes of the packet
	printf("Packet size: %ld bytes\n", header->len);

	// Show a warning if the length captured is different
	if (header->len != header->caplen)
		printf("Warning! Capture size different than packet size: %ld bytes\n", header->len);

	// Show Epoch Time
	printf("Epoch Time: %ld:%ld seconds\n", header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec);

	// loop through the packet and print it as hexidecimal representations of octets
	// We also have a function that does this similarly below: PrintData()
	for (u_int i=0; (i < header->caplen ) ; i++)
		// Start printing on the next after every 16 octets
		if ( (i % 16) == 0) printf("\n");

		// Print each octet as hex (x), make sure there is always two characters (.2).
		printf("%.2x ", data[i]);

void PrintData(u_int startOctet, u_int endOctet, const u_char *data)
	for (u_int i = startOctet; i <= endOctet; i++)
		// Print each octet as hex (x), make sure there is always two characters (.2).
		printf("%.2x ", data[i]);

u_short get_ethertype_value(const u_char *data)
	u_short ethertype = data[12] << 8;
	ethertype += data[13];
	return ethertype;

// Returns a string representation of the common Ethertype
char * get_ethertype(const u_int16_t ethertype)
		return "IPv4";
		return "IPv6";
		return "ARP";
		return "Unknown";

Stay tuned for Unwrapping a packet with Pcap and tcpdump (Part 2 – IP Header)

How to read a PCap file from Wireshark with C++

In my Computer Security class I am taking as part of my Masters of Computer Science course, we need to parse a Pcap dump file.


It is expected you have Visual Studio 2010 already. It may work the same with Visual C++ 2010.

Step 1 – Install Wireshark

We are going to use Wireshark to get a packet capture. Wireshark is a nice easy tool to get a packet capture.

Make sure to install Wireshark and let Wireshark install WinPcap when it prompts you.

Step 2 – Create a new project in Visual Studio

I already have post on creating a WinPcap project in Visual Studio and getting it to compile, so follow it.

How to compile WinPcap with Visual Studio 2010?

Step 3 – Get a packet capture.

  1. Open Wireshark and start capturing file.
  2. Open your browser or go to a few sites.
  3. Stop the packet capture.
  4. Save the packet capture to a file.
    I named my file smallcapture.pcap.

Step 4 – Add C++ code to read the packet capture

I am going to paste the code for you and put the comments and steps in the code.

* How to read a packet capture file.

* Step 1 - Add includes
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <pcap.h>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	* Step 2 - Get a file name

	string file = "C:\\users\\jared\\testfiles\\smallcapture.pcap";

	* Step 3 - Create an char array to hold the error.

	// Note: errbuf in pcap_open functions is assumed to be able to hold at least PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE chars
	//       PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE is defined as 256.
	char errbuff[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];

	* Step 4 - Open the file and store result in pointer to pcap_t

	// Use pcap_open_offline
	pcap_t * pcap = pcap_open_offline(file.c_str(), errbuff);

	* Step 5 - Create a header and a data object

	// Create a header object:
	struct pcap_pkthdr *header;

	// Create a character array using a u_char
	// u_char is defined here:
	// C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\WinSock2.h
	// typedef unsigned char   u_char;
	const u_char *data;

	* Step 6 - Loop through packets and print them to screen
	u_int packetCount = 0;
	while (int returnValue = pcap_next_ex(pcap, &header, &data) >= 0)
		// Print using printf. See printf reference:

		// Show the packet number
		printf("Packet # %i\n", ++packetCount);

		// Show the size in bytes of the packet
		printf("Packet size: %d bytes\n", header->len);

		// Show a warning if the length captured is different
		if (header->len != header->caplen)
			printf("Warning! Capture size different than packet size: %ld bytes\n", header->len);

		// Show Epoch Time
		printf("Epoch Time: %d:%d seconds\n", header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec);

		// loop through the packet and print it as hexidecimal representations of octets
		// We also have a function that does this similarly below: PrintData()
		for (u_int i=0; (i < header->caplen ) ; i++)
			// Start printing on the next after every 16 octets
			if ( (i % 16) == 0) printf("\n");

			// Print each octet as hex (x), make sure there is always two characters (.2).
			printf("%.2x ", data[i]);

		// Add two lines between packets

You are now reading packets in C++. Now you can start working on differentiating the packet types.



How to compile WinPcap with Visual Studio 2010?

The documentation for WinPcap was pretty poor. The last update for Visual Studio was for 2005, so this hasn’t been updated for Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010.

Also, the steps don’t say what type of C++ project was created. This is probably why it missing information, such as the fact that WIN32 must be defined.

So I thought I would get it working and provide a post someone could actually find. I had to read the pcap.h file myself to figure out what was missing in the documentation.


It is expected you have Visual Studio 2010 already. It may work the same with Visual C++ 2010.

Step 1 – Create a new empty project

  1. In Visual Studio go to File | New | Project.
  2. Select Other Languages | Visual C++ | General | Empty Project
  3. Enter a Project name, Location, and Solution Name.
  4. Take note of the solution directory.
  5. Click OK.

This creates the following directory structure:


Step 2 – Create a main.cpp file

  1. Right-click on the project and choose Add | New Item.
  2. Select C++ File (.cpp)
  3. Enter the name as Main.cpp.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Add the standard main function to the file:
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  6. Save the file.

Step 3 – Download and extract WinPCap

  1. Go to the WinPcap developer page:
  2. Download the latest stable version of WinPcap.
  3. Extract to your solution directory.

Step 4 – Configure the Project properties

Now that the needed resources are in your solution directory, you can configure your project to access them.

  1. In Visual Studio, right-click on your project and choose Properties.
  2. Make the following configuration changes to your project:

Configuration 1 – Add Additional Include Directories

  1. Go to Configuration Properties | C/C++ | General.
    Note: If you don’t see the C/C++ option, did you forget to do Step 2 above?
  2. For Additional Include Directories add the relative path:

Configuration 2 – Add Preprocessor Definitions

  1. Go to Configuration Properties | C/C++ | Preprocessor.
  2. For Preprocessor Definitions, add these three:

Preprocessor Definintions

Important: If you fail to add WIN32, your compile will fail as follows:

Error	1	error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'sys/time.h': No such file or directory	c:\users\jared\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\c++\readpcapexample\libs\winpcap-4.1.2\include\pcap\pcap.h	47	1	ReadPCapExample

Configuration 3 – Add Additional Library Directories

  1. Go to Configuration Properties | Linker | General.
  2. For Additional Library Directories enter the following:

Configuration 4 – Add Additional Dependencies

  1. Go to Configuration Properties | Linker | Input.
  2. For Additional Dependencies, add the following:

Additional Dependencies

Note: I removed the default libraries. You may need some of them:

Step 5 – Include pcap.h

  1. Open the Main.cpp file.
  2. Include pcap.h.
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  3. Try to compile and it should work.
You are now ready to develop using WinPcap.

WPF jobs trend up according to

According to the amount of WPF job trends up rapidly.

Since XAML is going to be used in Windows 8 as well, it is not going away any time in the next decade. Also, declarative UI will improve in the future, not disappear. So there is job security in this.

Unit Testing Registry access with RhinoMocks and SystemWrapper

As mentioned in the previous Unit Test post (Unit Testing Registry access with RhinoMocks and SystemWrapper) it important to be able to Unit Test code that access the registry without really accessing the registry.


Step 1 – Download SystemWrapper

You may have already done this when reading the previous post, if not do so now.

  1. Go to and download the latest dll or the latest source or add the SystemWrapper.Interfaces and SystemWrapper.Wrappers By jozef.izso
  2. Copy the SystemInterface.dll and SystemWrapper.dll into your project (perhaps you already have a libs directory).
  3. Add references to these two dlls in your release code.
  4. Add a reference only to SystemInterface.dll in your Unit Test project.

Step 2 – Change your code to use Interfaces and Wrappers

Ok, so here we are going to start with an example. Here is an object that I wrote myself that uses the registry to check on which versions of .NET Framework are installed. It is currently using Registry and RegistryKey directly.

using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace SystemInfo
    public class DotNetFramework
        #region Constant members
        public const string REGPATH_DOTNET11_VERSION        = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322";
        public const string REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION        = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727";
        public const string REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION        = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0";
        public const string REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION        = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5";
        public const string REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION_CLIENT = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client";
        public const string REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION        = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full";

        #region Properties
        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 4 Full is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet4
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION, 0); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 4 Client is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet4Client
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION_CLIENT, 0); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 3.5 with SP1 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet35SP1
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION, 1); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 3.5 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet35
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION, 0); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 3.0 with SP2 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet30SP2
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, 2); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 3.0 with SP1 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet30SP1
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, 1); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 3.0 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet30
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, 0); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 2.0 with SP2 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet20SP2
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, 2); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 2.0 with SP1 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet20SP1
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, 1); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 2.0 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet20
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, 0); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns true if .NET 1.1 is installed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FoundDotNet11
            get { return HasDotNetFramework(REGPATH_DOTNET11_VERSION, 0); }

        public bool HasDotNetFramework(string dotNetRegPath, int expectedServicePack)
            bool retVal = false;

                RegistryKey localKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(dotNetRegPath);
                if (localKey != null)
                    int? isInstalled = localKey.GetValue("Install") as int?;
                    if (isInstalled != null)
                        if (isInstalled == 1)
                            if (expectedServicePack > 0)
                                if ((int)localKey.GetValue("SP") >= expectedServicePack)
                                    retVal = true;
                                retVal = true;
                return retVal;
                return retVal;
  1. Find any place in your code where you use touch the system. For example, if you touch the registry, find any place you call Registry or RegistryKey objects or reference Microsoft.Win32.
    Hint: Use the search feature in your IDE.
  2. Replace the reference with a reference to SystemWrapper and SystemInterfaces. For example, if replacingrRegistry code,
    SystemWrapper.Microsoft.Win32In the DotNetFramework.cs file above, there is a using statement to Microsoft.Win32. Our new using statements will be:

    using System;
    using SystemInterface.Microsoft.Win32;
    using SystemWrapper.Microsoft.Win32;
  3. For any object that touches the system, change that object to be instantiated using the interface. For example, replace RegistryKey objects with IRegistryKey objects.In the DotNetFramework.cs file, there is only one single line that needs to change to do this, line 113.
    This line…

        RegistryKey localKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(dotNetRegPath);

    …changes to this line.

        IRegistryKey localKey = new RegistryWrap().LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(dotNetRegPath);

Step 3 – Allow for replacing the IRegistryKey objects

Create a property or function that allows you to replace the object you are mocking so you can pass in an object that is mocked.

This is done for you to some extent for registry access by using the IAccessTheRegistry interface.

  1. Implementing the IAccessTheRegistry interface from the SystemInterface.Microsoft.Win32 namespace. You can add the following code to the DotNetFramework object.
            #region IAccessTheRegistry Members
            public IRegistryKey BaseKey
                    if (null == _BaseKey)
                        _BaseKey = new RegistryWrap().LocalMachine;
                    return _BaseKey;
            } private IRegistryKey _BaseKey;
            public void ChangeBaseKey(IRegistryKey inBaseKey)
                _BaseKey = inBaseKey;

    Note: Notice that the Property is read only. Instead of enabling the set ability, a function is created to allow you to change the IRegistryKey instance. This is by design and keeps you from making a mistake such as BaseKey = BaseKey.OpenSubkey(“…”) and replacing the BaseKey.

    Note: You may want to look into the “Factory” design pattern.

  2. Change line 113 to use the BaseKey.
        IRegistryKey localKey = BaseKey.OpenSubKey(dotNetRegPath);

Step 4 – Download and Reference RhinoMocks in your Unit Test

You may have already done this when reading the previous post, if not do so now.

In this step you need to download RhinoMocks and reference it with your Unit Test project. If you don’t have a test project, create one.  Your release project won’t need it.

  1. Go to and download RhinoMocks.
  2. Add RhinoMocks.dll

Step 5 – Mock IRegistryKey in your Unit Test

For this, you have to understand and know how to use RhinoMocks and this takes some learning. For this we need an example.

  1. Add a new class to your test project.
  2. Add a using statement:
  3. Add code to create the Mock objects.I put these in separate functions because every test needed the exact same code.
    1. Mock the HKLM key and any calls made using it.
    2. Mock the registry sub key and any calls made using it.
    #region Test Helper Functions
            /// <summary>
            /// Mock to pretend to be this registry subkey:
            /// Hive:   HKLM
            /// No stubbing is preconfigured
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>IRegistryKey</returns>
            private IRegistryKey CreateMockOfHKLM()
                // Mock to pretend to be this registry key:
                // Hive:   HKLM
                IRegistryKey hklmMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IRegistryKey>();
                hklmMock.Stub(x => x.Name).Return("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE");
                return hklmMock;
            /// <summary>
            /// Mock to pretend to be this registry subkey:
            /// Hive:   HKLM
            /// It has stubs preconfigured
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>IRegistry that is a mock of HKLM with IIS Version stubs.</returns>
            private IRegistryKey CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(string inSubkey, bool inIsInstalled = true, int? inSP = null)
                // Mock to pretend to be this registry subkey:
                // Hive:   HKLM
                IRegistryKey hklmMock = CreateMockOfHKLM();
                // Allow to test a key that doesn't exist (null) or one that does.
                IRegistryKey dotNetMock = null;
                if (inIsInstalled)
                    dotNetMock = CreateDotNetRegistryGetValueMock(inSubkey, inSP);
                // Stubs using hklmMock to open and return this registry key
                // and return dotNetMock:
                hklmMock.Stub(x => x.OpenSubKey(inSubkey)).Return(dotNetMock);
                return hklmMock;
            private IRegistryKey CreateDotNetRegistryGetValueMock(string inSubkey, int? inSP)
                // Mock to pretend to be this subkey passed in:
                // Hive:   HKLM
                // SubKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey
                IRegistryKey dotNetMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IRegistryKey>();
                dotNetMock.Stub(x => x.Name).Return(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey);
                // Stubs checking the available registry properties:
                // Hive:   HKLM
                // SubKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey
                // Properties: "Install", "SP"
                dotNetMock.Stub(x => x.GetValueNames()).Return(new String[] { "Install", "SP" });
                // Stubs checking this registry:
                // Hive:   HKLM
                // SubKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey
                // Property: Install
                // Value:  1 - If not installed the whole key shouldn't even exist so it should always be 1
                dotNetMock.Stub(x => x.GetValue("Install")).Return(1);
                if (null != inSP)
                    // Stubs checking this registry:
                    // Hive:   HKLM
                    // SubKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey
                    // Property: SP
                    // Value:    null or 1, 2, 3, ...
                    dotNetMock.Stub(x => x.GetValue("SP")).Return(inSP);
                return dotNetMock;
  4. Now go forth and mock all your code that uses the Registry.

Here is the final test file.

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Rhino.Mocks;
using SystemInfo;
using SystemInterface.Microsoft.Win32;

namespace DotNetFrameworkTest
    /// <summary>
    ///This is a test class for DotNetFrameworkTest and is intended
    ///to contain all DotNetFrameworkTest Unit Tests
    public class DotNetFrameworkTest
        #region Constructor tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for DotNetFramework Constructor
        public void DotNetFrameworkConstructorTest()
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();

        #region IAccessTheRegistry interface items test
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for ChangeBaseKey
        public void BaseKeyAndChangeBaseKeyTest()
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            IRegistryKey defaultBaseKey = target.BaseKey;
            IRegistryKey inBaseKey = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IRegistryKey>();

            // Make sure the newly assigned is not the same as the original
            Assert.AreNotEqual(target.BaseKey, defaultBaseKey);

            // Make sure that the assignment worked
            Assert.AreEqual(target.BaseKey, inBaseKey);

        #region FoundDotNet11 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet11 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet11_Test_KeyExists()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET11_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet11;
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);

            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET11_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET11_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet11 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet11_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET11_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet11;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET11_VERSION));

        #region FoundDotNet20 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet20_Test_KeyExists()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20;
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);

            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet20_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));

        #region FoundDOtNet20SP1 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20SP1 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet20SP1_Test_KeyExistsWithSP1()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = 1;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20SP1;
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20SP1 mocking the key so it should return false due to no service pack
        public void FoundDotNet20SP1_Test_KeyExistsWithoutSP1()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = null;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20SP1;
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20SP1 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet20SP1_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20SP1;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));

        #region FoundDOtNet20SP2 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20SP2 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet20SP2_Test_KeyExistsWithSP2()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = 2;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20SP2;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20SP2 mocking the key so it should return false because it only has SP1
        public void FoundDotNet20SP2_Test_KeyExistsWithSP1()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = 1;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20SP2;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20SP2 mocking the key so it should return false due to no service pack
        public void FoundDotNet20SP2_Test_KeyExistsWithoutSP()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = null;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20SP2;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet20SP2 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet20SP2_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet20SP2;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET20_VERSION));

        #region FoundDotNet30 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet30_Test_KeyExists()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet30_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));

        #region FoundDOtNet30SP1 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30SP1 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet30SP1_Test_KeyExistsWithSP1()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = 1;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30SP1;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30SP1 mocking the key so it should return false due to no service pack
        public void FoundDotNet30SP1_Test_KeyExistsWithoutSP()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = null;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30SP1;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30SP1 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet30SP1_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30SP1;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));

        #region FoundDOtNet30SP2 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30SP2 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet30SP2_Test_KeyExistsWithSP2()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = 2;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30SP2;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30SP2 mocking the key so it should return false because it only has SP1
        public void FoundDotNet30SP2_Test_KeyExistsWithSP1()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = 1;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30SP2;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30SP2 mocking the key so it should return false due to no service pack
        public void FoundDotNet30SP2_Test_KeyExistsWithoutSP()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = null;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30SP2;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet30SP2 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet30SP2_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet30SP2;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET30_VERSION));
        #region FoundDotNet35 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet35 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet35_Test_KeyExists()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet35;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet35 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet35_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet35;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION));

        #region FoundDOtNet35SP1 tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet35SP1 mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet35SP1_Test_KeyExistsWithSP1()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = 1;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet35SP1;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet35SP1 mocking the key so it should return false due to no service pack
        public void FoundDotNet35SP1_Test_KeyExistsWithoutSP()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            int? sp = null;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION, isInstalled, sp);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet35SP1;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet35SP1 mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet35SP1_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet35SP1;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET35_VERSION));

        #region FoundDotNet 4 Full tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet4 (full) mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet4_Full_Test_KeyExists()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet4;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet4 (full) mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet4_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet4;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION));

        #region FoundDotNet4 Client tests
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet4Client mocking the key so it should return true
        public void FoundDotNet4Client_Test_KeyExists()
            bool isInstalled = true;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION_CLIENT, isInstalled);
            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet4Client;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION_CLIENT));
            IRegistryKey innerkey = key.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION_CLIENT);
            innerkey.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetValue("Install"));
            innerkey.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.GetValue("SP"));

        /// <summary>
        ///A test for FoundDotNet4 (client) mocking the lack of a key so it should return false
        public void FoundDotNet4Client_Test_KeyDoesNotExist()
            bool isInstalled = false;
            DotNetFramework target = new DotNetFramework();
            IRegistryKey key = CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION_CLIENT, isInstalled);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual = target.FoundDotNet4Client;

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
            key.AssertWasCalled(x => x.OpenSubKey(DotNetFramework.REGPATH_DOTNET40_VERSION_CLIENT));

        #region HasDotNetFrameworkTest
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for HasDotNetFramework
        public void HasDotNetFrameworkTest()
            // No need to test this as all properties test this


        #region Test Helper Functions
        /// <summary>
        /// Mock to pretend to be this registry subkey:
        /// Hive:   HKLM
        /// No stubbing is preconfigured
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>IRegistryKey</returns>
        private IRegistryKey CreateMockOfHKLM()
            // Mock to pretend to be this registry key:
            // Hive:   HKLM
            IRegistryKey hklmMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IRegistryKey>();
            hklmMock.Stub(x => x.Name).Return("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE");

            return hklmMock;

        /// <summary>
        /// Mock to pretend to be this registry subkey:
        /// Hive:   HKLM
        /// It has stubs preconfigured
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>IRegistry that is a mock of HKLM with IIS Version stubs.</returns>
        private IRegistryKey CreateDotNetRegistryOpenSubKeyMock(string inSubkey, bool inIsInstalled = true, int? inSP = null)
            // Mock to pretend to be this registry subkey:
            // Hive:   HKLM
            IRegistryKey hklmMock = CreateMockOfHKLM();

            // Allow to test a key that doesn't exist (null) or one that does.
            IRegistryKey dotNetMock = null;
            if (inIsInstalled)
                dotNetMock = CreateDotNetRegistryGetValueMock(inSubkey, inSP);

            // Stubs using hklmMock to open and return this registry key
            // and return dotNetMock:
            hklmMock.Stub(x => x.OpenSubKey(inSubkey)).Return(dotNetMock);
            return hklmMock;

        private IRegistryKey CreateDotNetRegistryGetValueMock(string inSubkey, int? inSP)
            // Mock to pretend to be this subkey passed in:
            // Hive:   HKLM
            // SubKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey
            IRegistryKey dotNetMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IRegistryKey>();
            dotNetMock.Stub(x => x.Name).Return(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey);

            // Stubs checking the available registry properties:
            // Hive:   HKLM
            // SubKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey
            // Properties: "Install", "SP"
            dotNetMock.Stub(x => x.GetValueNames()).Return(new String[] { "Install", "SP" });

            // Stubs checking this registry:
            // Hive:   HKLM
            // SubKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey
            // Property: Install
            // Value:  1 - If not installed the whole key shouldn't even exist so it should always be 1
            dotNetMock.Stub(x => x.GetValue("Install")).Return(1);

            if (null != inSP)
                // Stubs checking this registry:
                // Hive:   HKLM
                // SubKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + inSubkey
                // Property: SP
                // Value:    null or 1, 2, 3, ...
                dotNetMock.Stub(x => x.GetValue("SP")).Return(inSP);
            return dotNetMock;


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Unit Testing code that touches the system

Unit Tests should be fast and simple and they should not touch the system. What we mean by touching the system is any code that actually changes the file system or registry of the build system that runs the Unit Tests. Also any code that touches a remote system such as a database or a web server as these remote system should not have to exist during a Unit Test.

Unit Test Presentation (using Open Office Impress)

Question: So if your code accesses the system, how do you test this code?

Answer: You use Interface-based design and a library that can mock that interface.

Well, it is not exactly simple.

Question: What if you are using some one elses code, such as standard C# libraries in the System or Microsoft namespaces?

Answer: Imagine you need to unit test code that touches the registry. You must do the following steps:

  1. Create an interface for accessing the registry that matches Microsoft.Win32.Registry and Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey (and you may have to create an interfaces for each object they need as well).
  2. Create a wrapper that wraps the Microsoft.Win32.Registry and Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey (again, you have to create a wrapper for each objects they need as well).
  3. Change your production code to use the interfaces and the wrappers instead of using the system code.  For example, if dealing with the Registry this involves Microsoft.Win32.Registry and Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey directly.Don’t use these objects directly, instead you use these objects:
  4. Provide a method in your production code for replacing anywhere you use IRegistry or IRegistryKey with any object that implements the interface.
  5. In your Unit Test, mock any neededIRegistry and IRegistryKey objects.

The best solution, long-term, is that Microsoft adds interfaces to the standard .NET libraries and exposes these interfaces so a wrapper isn’t needed. If you agree, vote for this enhancement here: Implement interfaces for your objects so we don’t have use

However, since Microsoft hasn’t done this, you have to do it yourself. But all of this probably takes more time than your project will allow you to take, so I am going to try to get you there faster.
Step 1 and Step 2 are done for you, all you have to do is download the dll or source from here:
Step 3 and 4 are not done for you but there are examples in the SystemWrapper project.
Step 5 can be done extremely quickly with a free (BSD Licensed) tool called RhinoMocks.
So the new steps become these:

Step 1 – Download SystemWrapper

  1. Go to and download the latest dll or the latest source.
  2. Copy the SystemInterface.dll and SystemWrapper.dll into your project (perhaps you already have a libs directory).
  3. Add references to these two dlls in your release code.
  4. Add a reference only to SystemInterface.dll in your Unit Test project.

Step 2 – Change your code to use Interfaces and Wrappers

  1. Find any place in your code where it touches the system. For example, if you touch the registry, find any place you call Registry or RegistryKey objects or reference Microsoft.Win32.
    Hint: Use the search feature in your IDE.
  2. Replace the reference with a reference to SystemWrapper and SystemInterfaces. For example, if replacingrRegistry code,
  3. For any object that touches the system, change that object to be instantiated using the interface. For example, replace RegistryKey objects with IRegistryKey objects.

Step 3 – Allow for replacing the Interface-based objects

Create a property or function that allows you to replace the object you are mocking so you can pass in an object that is mocked.

Here is an example of how to do this when mocking a RegistryKey object using IRegistryKey.

  1. Implement the IAccessTheRegistry interface from the SystemInterface.Microsoft.Win32 namespace. Here is a sample implementation that uses lazy property injection:
            #region IAccessTheRegistry Members
            public IRegistryKey BaseKey
                get { return _BaseKey ?? (_BaseKey = new RegistryWrap().LocalMachine); }
                internal set { _BaseKey value; }
            } private IRegistryKey _BaseKey;

    Notice that the setter is internal. This is because unit tests can usually access an internal method with InternalsVisibleTo. The internal set is hidden for code not in the same assembly and not included in InternalsVisibleTo.

Note: You may want to look into the “Factory” design pattern.

Step 4 – Download and Reference RhinoMocks in your Unit Test

In this step you need to download RhinoMocks and reference it with your Unit Test project. Your release project won’t need it.

  1. Go to and download RhinoMocks.
  2. Add RhinoMocks.dll

Step 5 – Mock IRegistryKey in your Unit Test

For this, you have to understand and know how to use RhinoMocks and this takes some learning.

Instead of trying to explain this here, let’s go straight into the examples.



  1. Unit Testing Registry access with RhinoMocks and SystemWrapper
  2. Unit Testing File IO with RhinoMocks and SystemWrapper

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