Archive for the ‘BSD’ Category.

How to install Bugzilla on a FreeBSD 7.2 with Apache + SSL and MySQL?

How to install Bugzilla 3.4.2 on FreeBSD 7.2.

The basic overivew.

  1. Install FreeBSD.
    How do I install FreeBSD?

  2. Update FreeBSD and download the ports tree.
    What are the first commands I run after installing FreeBSD

  3. Then install Apache + SSL.
    Installing an Apache + SSL on FreeBSD using the ports tree

  4. Then install MySQL.
    How to install MySQL on FreeBSD 7.2 or on Red Hat 5.4?

  5. Configure MySQL to be Unicode.
    How to create a UTF-8 Unicode Database on MySQL and make UTF-8 Unicode the default?

  6. Then install Bugzilla

I have previous documents about installing each of the steps above installing Bugzilla. This document will over cover bugzilla.

Installing Bugzilla From Ports

You can install easily from Ports. Make sure your ports tree is up to date:




portsnap fetch
portsnap extract
portsnap udpate

Then just do this to install Bugzilla 3.4.2 on FreeBSD 7.2.

cd /usr/ports/devel/bugzilla
make BUGZILLADIR=/usr/local/www/apache22/data/bugzilla install

Note: Make sure you choose the correct install directory for the BUGZILLADIR parameter. By default Apache 2.2 is only serving up files in /usr/local/www/apache22/data/ so by install bugzilla there, you will be able to access bugzilla with this url:

You will be asked to select your compile options throughout. If you don’t want to be promtped, and you want to accept the defaults, use this command.

ServerName# make BATCH=yes install

Now that you have Bugzilla 3.4.2 on your FreeBSD 7.2 server, you are not finished. We now need to connect to connect it to a database, which I am assuming is MySQL but could just as easily be Postgresql.

Resetting the file ownership recursively on the bugzilla folder

Make sure that the bugzilla folder and all subfolders are owned by www:www.

ServerName# chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/apache22/data/bugzilla

Creating a MySQL Database

  1. Log into mysql. I use the command line and type in mysql -p, enter my password when prompted.
  2. Create a database for Bugzilla.
  3. Create a user that can access Bugzilla.
  4. I use the followiing SQL commands for these steps:

               ON BugDB.* TO BugDBUser@localhost
               IDENTIFIED BY 'P@sswd!';

Run Install Check Script

  1. In a command prompt go to /usr/local/www/data/bugzilla
    ServerName# cd /usr/local/www/data/bugzilla
  2. Run the setup checking script.
    ServerName# ./
  3. Now you are ready to open and edit the localconfig file.
    ServerName# ee localconfig
  4. Change the following values:

    $webservergroup = ‘www’
    $db_name = ‘BugDB’
    $db_user = ‘BugDBUser’
    $db_pass = ‘P@sswd!’

    Then close and save the localconfig file.

  5. Run ./ again.
  6. Note: If you have installled everything including MySQL using the defaults, you will see this warning:

    WARNING: You need to set the max_allowed_packet parameter in your MySQL configuration to at least 3276750. Currently it is set to 1048576. You can set this parameter in the [mysqld] section of your MySQL configuration file.

    Resolve this using the MySQL configuration file called my.cnf. I discussed the my.cnf earlier in this article, so you should already be familiar with it.
    How to create a UTF-8 Unicode Database on MySQL and make UTF-8 Unicode the default?

    Find the max_allowed_packet settings and change it to 4M.

    max_allowed_packet = 4M

    Restart MySQL.

    ServerName# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server restart
  7. Run again.

    I got this error:

    Creating ./lib/.htaccess…
    No such file or directory at Bugzilla/Install/ line 445, line 275.

    I had to manually create the /usr/local/www/apache22/data/bugzilla/lib directory then this error disappeared when I ran again.

  8. Now create an Apache configuration file for bugzilla and put it in /usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes. I name it bugzilla.conf.


    <Directory "/usr/local/www/apache22/data/bugzilla">
      Options +ExecCGI
      AllowOverride Limit
      DirectoryIndex index.cgi
      AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

    Restart Apache

    ServerName# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 restart
  9. You should now be able to connect to your server: http://YourServer/bugzilla

    Copyright ® – Linking to this article is allowed without permission and as many as ten lines of this article can be used along with this link. Any other use of this article is allowed only by permission of

How to install PHP5 and PHP5 Extensions on FreeBSD?

Note: Article updated for FreeBSD 9

Step 1 – Install FreeBSD

  1. First install FreeBSD. Instructions for installing FreeBSD is contained in one of these article.
    How I install FreeBSD 9?
    How I install FreeBSD? (versions before FreeBSD 9)
  2. Second update FreeBSD and install the ports tree. Instructions for this are in this article.
    What are the first commands I run after installing FreeBSD?

Step 2 – Install PHP

How to install PHP on FreeBSD from Ports

You can install easily from Ports.

  1. Go to the php5 directory in the ports tree.
    # cd /usr/ports/lang/php5
  2. Run ‘make config’ and select the desired options.
    # cd /usr/ports/lang/php5

    Note: If you want to integrate with Apache, you must select the Apache option.

  3. Run ‘make BATCH=yes install’ to install PHP5.
    # make BATCH=yes install

    PHP5 and its dependencies will download, compile, and install automagically for you.

    Note: If you want to script this, including the selecting to use Apache, use this command.

    # make WITH_APACHE=yes BATCH=yes install

How to install PHP on FreeBSD from Packages

  1. You can also install easily as a binary package with this simple command.
    # pkg_add -r php

Step 3 – Installing PHP5 Extensions on FreeBSD

You may now want to install PHP5 extensions for integration with your web server, such as Apache. There is a meta port that allows for installing all PHP5 extensions and we will use this for this example, though later we will demonstrate how to install a single extensions.

How to install php5-extensions from Ports

  1. Change to the php5-extensions ports directory.
    # cd /usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions
  2. Run ‘make config’ and select the php5-extensions you want to install when prompted.
    # make config

    Note 1: If you aren’t sure what to select, use the default, you can always come back and add more extensions later.

    Note 2: It may be important to you to make sure certain extensions are installed, such as extensions for MySQL, MySQLi, or Postgresl, especially if you are installing an Apache, MySQL, PHP server or a variant of such.

    Note 3: The extensions usually link to the release version of MySQL or PostgreSQL unless a new version is already installed. So if you want a later version, you may want to install the desired database port first.

  3. Run ‘make BATCH=yes install’ to install the selected php5-extensions.
    # make BATCH=yes install

    The PHP5-extensions and their dependencies will download, compile, and install automagically for you.

How to install PHP Extensions from Packages

  1. You can also install easily as a binary package with this simple command.
    # pkg_add -r php5-extensions

    Note: The package may not have all the extensions you desire. If not, use ports.

Step 4 – Integrating with Apache 2.x

  1. Change to the apache configuration directory.
    # cd /usr/local/etc/apache22
  2. Edit the httpd.conf with your favority edit. I use ‘ee’.
    # ee httpd.conf
  3. Search for “DirectoryIndex” to find the section where the directory index is configured.
  4. Add index.php as the first item as shown:
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
  5. Save and close the httpd.conf file.
  6. Change to the “Includes” directory.
    # cd /usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes
  7. Create a file with a name ending in .conf. I used php5.conf.
    # ee php5.conf
  8. Add the following two lines to the file.
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
  9. Save and close the php5.conf file.

    Note: You could script this as follows:

    # # echo AddType application/x-httpd-php .php > /usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes/php5.conf echo AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps >> /usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes/php5.conf
  10. Restart apache.
    # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 restart

Step 5 – Test the PHP5 extensions integration with the web server

  1. Go to the web server’s root directory
    # cd /usr/local/www/apache22/data
  2. Create a file called phpinfo.php.
    # ee phpinfo.php
  3. Add the following lines to the file.

    Note: the phpinfo() function will automatically create a page full of information about the php configuration and the extensions installed and more.

  4. Save and close the phpinfo.php file.
  5. Now from another machine, browse to the server.

    You can connect using name, fqdn, or IP and see which work.

    • http://servername/phpinfo.php

    You can also try to connect with SSL.

    • https://servername/phpinfo.php
  6. You can now analyze the results of the phpinfo() function on this page.

    Note: Don’t forget to delete this file before putting the server in production. You wouldn’t want such an information disclosure vulnerability available for anyone to see.

Adding or Removing PHP5 extensions

You may find yourself needing to add another PHP5 extension. Maybe you didn’t install the database extensions and you need to add it and you can tell from phpinfo() that it is definitely not installed.

There are two ways to add or remove an extension. First, you could reinstall the meta port (though I wouldn’t recommend it). Second, you can find the specific PHP5 extensions you need and run ‘make install’ or ‘make deinstall’ for that specific port.

Note: Specific PHP5 extensions might take you a moment to locate. The php5-extensions meta port is under /usr/ports/lang but specific ports for extensions are not located there. The MySQLi extension, for example, is found under /usr/ports/databases.

Adding the MySQLi extension

  1. Change to the location of the MySQLi php5 extension.
    # cd /usr/ports/databases/php5-mysqli
  2. Run ‘make BATCH=yes install’ to install the extensions.
    # make BATCH=yes install

    The php5-mysqli extensions downloads and compiles automagically.

Removing the MySQLi extension

  1. Change to the location of the MySQLi php5 extension.
    # cd /usr/ports/databases/php5-mysqli
  2. Run ‘make deinstall’ to uninstall the extensions.
    # make deinstall

    The php5-mysqli extensions is removed.

Installing an Apache + SSL on FreeBSD using the ports tree

Installing Apache + SSL is very easy on FreeBSD.

Note: Tested on FreeBSD 9

  1. First install FreeBSD. Instructions for installing FreeBSD is contained in this article.
    How I install FreeBSD?
    How I install FreeBSD 9?
  2. Second update FreeBSD and install the ports tree. Instructions for this are in this article.
    What are the first commands I run after installing FreeBSD?
  3. Install the latest version of Apache, which is Apache 2.2 as of writing this.
    cd /usr/ports/www/apache22
    make BATCH=yes install

    This will download the Apache 2.2 source and compile and install it. A few other dependencies will be installed as well.

    Apache will not start automatically which is fine because we are not ready to start it yet.

  4. Configure Apache to automatically start when the FreeBSD system boots up. This is done using the /etc/rc.conf file.
    echo # Apache 2.2 >> /etc/rc.conf
    echo 'apache22_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  5. In order for Apache to use SSL, you must create a certificate. Now you may or may not know how to create one. I have made it easy for you by doing everything in a shell script. I have used SHA-256, because in this day an age, you need higher security than MD5 or SHA1.

    mkdir -p /root/mycert
    cd /root/mycert
    mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.key
    mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.crt
    chmod 0400 /usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.key
    chmod 0400 /usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.crt
    openssl genrsa -des3 -out $1.key 1024
    openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 -key $1.key -out $1.crt
    cp $1.key $1.key.orig
    openssl rsa -in $1.key.orig -out $1.key
    cp $1.key /usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.key/
    cp $1.crt /usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.crt/
    chmod 0400 /usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.key/$1.key
    chmod 0400 /usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.crt/$1.crt

    This is NOT a fully functional shell script that shows you the command line options and everything. It is really just a list of commands to make this easier for you. Copy this to a shell script and run it. It takes one parameter, the cert name and you should call it like this:

    ./ certname

    IMPORTANT: The commands in the script will prompt you for a Certificate password, and your Certification information. The only thing you need to make certain of is that when prompted for the “Common Name” you use the URL. For example, if your web site is, then is your Common Name.

    Or you can run the commands from the shell script manually one at a time if you want (replacing $1 with your desired certificate name).

    Note: In this script, the certificate will be a self-signed certificate, but you can get a signed certificate free here:

  6. Now configure Apache to read the httpd-ssl.conf file when it starts.

    Open the /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf using the easy editor or ee.

    # ee /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf

    Near the end of the file, remove the comment symbol, the # sign, from the following line:

    Include etc/apache22/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

    Note: While you are in this file you may want to remove the comment from the line for enabling Virtual Hosts too if you are going to have multiple URLs hosted at this page.

  7. Configure the httpd-ssl.conf.
    # ee /usr/local/etc/apache22/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

    I only change the two lines to point to the correct certificate. Here is an sample httpd-ssl.conf without the comments.

    Listen 443
    AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
    AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl    .crl
    SSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin
    SSLSessionCache        "shmcb:/var/run/ssl_scache(512000)"
    SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
    SSLMutex  "file:/var/run/ssl_mutex"
    <VirtualHost _default_:443>
      DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/apache22/data"
      ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd-error.log"
      TransferLog "/var/log/httpd-access.log"
      SSLEngine on
      SSLCertificateFile "/usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.crt/server.crt"
      SSLCertificateKeyFile "/usr/local/etc/apache22/ssl.key/server.key"
      <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
      <Directory "/usr/local/www/apache22/cgi-bin">
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
      BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" \
             nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
             downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
      CustomLog "/var/log/httpd-ssl_request.log" \
              "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

  8. Now start or restart Apache.
    # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 start

Now just open a browser (on another system of course) and connect to your new FreeBSD installed web server. You can connect using name, fqdn, or IP and see which work.

  • http://servername

You can also try to connect with SSL.

  • https://servername

Common Errors

  1. Performing sanity check on apache22 configuration:
    httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for F9
    httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
    Syntax OK
    Starting apache22.
    httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for F9
    httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22: WARNING: failed to start apache22

    If you get this error, you need to update your /etc/hosts file and make sure the system’s hostname there.

    ::1                     localhost YourServerNameHere               localhost YourServerNameHere

Install other software

It is now very common to install a database server and a scripting language, such as MySQL and PHP. I have separate documents for each install:

How to install MySQL FreeBSD?

How to install PHP5 and PHP5 Extensions on FreeBSD?

How to change the system date from the shell on FreeBSD?

The system date and time can be changed with the date command.

Set Date only




Set Date and Time




Set Time only

date HHMM

So for example, if you want to set the date to Nov. 6, 2009 and the time to 8:58, you would use this command:

# date 0911060858

See man date for more information.

How to start, stop, restart MySQL on FreeBSD or Red Hat?


Starting MySQL

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start

Stopping MySQL

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server stop

Restarting MySQL

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server restart

Red Hat

Starting MySQL

/etc/init.d/mysql start


/sbin/service mysql start

Stopping MySQL

/etc/init.d/mysql stop


/sbin/service mysql stop

Restarting MySQL

/etc/init.d/mysql restart


/sbin/service mysql restart

How to install MySQL on FreeBSD 7.2 or on Red Hat 5.4?

There are two easy ways on FreeBSD:

From Ports

You can install easily from Ports. Make sure your ports tree is up to date:

$ su





portsnap fetch

portsnap extract

portsnap udpate

Then just do this to install MySQL on FreeBSD.



cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql51-server

make install

Or if you want to use utf8 by default, run this command:

ServerName# make WITH_CHARSET=utf8 install

MySQL 5.1 Server (and MySQL 5.1 client) will download, compile, and install automagically for you.

From Packages

You can also install easily as a binary package with this simple command.

ServerName# pkg_add -r mysql51-server

Make sure to secure you MySQL installation.

Red Hat
Using RPM

You have to go to the MySQL site and download the MySQL 5.1 server RPM and install it.

It does not automatically install the MySQL client, you have to download that as a separate RPM and install it.

Using yum

Since I didn’t have a MySQL license, yum didn’t work, so I don’t know if it can be installed using yum.

Make sure to secure you MySQL installation.

Copyright ® – Linking to this article is allowed without permission and as many as ten lines of this article can be used along with this link. Any other use of this article is allowed only by permission of

How to create a UTF-8 Unicode Database on MySQL and make UTF-8 Unicode the default?

How to create a UTF-8 Unicode Database on MySQL?

I am not going to cover installing, I have done that here:
How to install MySQL on FreeBSD 7.2 or on Red Hat 5.4?

So when you open MySQL using the command line MySQL client, you can see what Character Set your server is configured to use with this command:

show variables like 'character_set_server';

Often the default is Latin-1. I wish UTF-8 was the default but it is not.

You can see the language your database is created with by using this command:

show create database dbname

Again, usually the default is Latin-1 and again, I wish the default were UTF-8 but it is not.

So how do I make my MySQL database UTF-8?
How do I make UTF-8 the default?

I am going to find out…

Ok, so I have MySQL installed on two different platforms:
FreeBSD 7.2 x64.
Red Hat 5.4 x64.

My question are these:
What level do you set the Unicode setting at? Install instance, database, or column type.

MySQL – Looks like it can be configured globally in the my.cnf or it can be database specific.

To configure globally

Add the following to the my.cnf file:

init_connect=’SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci’
init_connect=’SET NAMES utf8′

Note: There are other options for collation besides utf8_general_ci such as utf8_unicode_ci. See this article:

Do I have to create the database in a special way?

Not if you configure the setting globally. However, if you don’t configure unicode support globally then yes you have to create your database in a specific way.

I found this post that is for an applications that uses a MySQL Unicode database. I don’t care about the application, just the MySQL data.

So the syntax will be:


Do I have to compile differently to get unicode support?

I didn’t have to recompile on either FreeBSD or Red Hat.

Is there differences for each platform?

Slight differences.


FreeBSD has the MySQL client as a dependency so it gets installed with the server with out any extra work.

The Database folder is /var/db/mysql.

For the global configuration there is not a my.cnf file created by default.

FreeBSD has example my.cnf files located here:


You can create your own my.cnf or you can copy one of the examples.

In order to get the my.cnf to work, you should copy it and change the owner and add the [mysqld] settings.

cp /usr/local/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf /var/db/mysql/my.cnf
chown mysql:mysql /var/db/mysql/my.cnf
cat << EOF >> /var/db/mysql/my.cnf
init_connect=’SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci’
init_connect=’SET NAMES utf8′

Red Hat

Red Hat does not have the MySQL client installed with the server, you have to download a separate RPM and install it. But it is really easy. Download both RPMs and install them.

The Database folder is /var/lib/mysql.

For the global configuration there is not a my.cnf file created by default.

Red Hat has example my.cnf files located here:


Same as FreeBSD, there isn’t one used by default and you have to copy one and use it.
You can create your own my.cnf or you can copy one of the examples.

In order to get the my.cnf to work, you should copy it and change the owner and add the [mysqld] settings.

cp /usr/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf
chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf
cat << EOF >> /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf
init_connect=’SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci’
init_connect=’SET NAMES utf8′

Copyright ® – Linking to this article is allowed without permission and as many as ten lines of this article can be used along with this link. Any other use of this article is allowed only by permission of

How do I install FreeBSD 8?

See the updated version here:
How to install FreeBSD 9

I do this:

  1. Download the DVD.
    1. Go to
    2. Click the yellow Get FreeBSD Now button
    3. Under your appropriate processor type (in my case it is usually i386 or amd64) click ISO.
    4. I download the DVD ISO. (You can download a bunch of CD ISOs if you want.)
    5. Note: There is also a boot only, which can download fast because it is small. I often use this option because of the way I install. However, it doesn’t have the install files, instead it just has the boot files. Once you get booted, it downloads the options you have chosen to install from FreeBSD’s website or a mirror. So while the download is faster, the install may take longer. However, if you are doing a minimal install, which I usually do, it could be faster than waiting for an entire DVD to download since the DVD includes a lot of data your won’t be using for a minimal install.

  2. Burn the ISO to disk. I am not going to explain how to do this but I will say this:
    Please make sure you don’t burn the ISO as a file on the disk, but instead you burn choose the option to burn a disk from the ISO.
  3. Boot from DVD.
    1. Put the DVD (or CD) in your drive.
    2. Turn on your system or if it is on, reboot it.
    3. Make sure you BIOS is configured to allow you to boot off the DVD or CD drive.
    4. Choose to boot from the DVD or CD drive.
  4. The first “gui-like screen you will see is the Country Selection screen. Choose your Country using the up and down arrows on your keyboard to highlight your country. Once your country is highlighted, hit Enter to choose OK.
  5. The next screen is the Main Menu. Again, use the up and down arrows on your keyboard to highlight Standard. Once Standard is highlighted, hit Enter to Select it.
  6. The following screen is an informational message. Read it if you like and hit enter to choose OK.
  7. The next screen appears like a DOS screen. It is asking how much of the disk you want to dedicate to FreeBSD. Dual-booting is actaully not common anymore because of virtualization such as VMWare, so I assume you are using the entire disk.

    Press “A” on the keyboard to select the Use Entire Disk option and then press “Q” to Finish.

  8. The next screen asks if you want a boot Manager. A boot manager is mostly likely used for dual booting, so choose Standard and hit enter.
  9. The following screen is a second informational message. Read it if you like and hit enter to choose OK.
  10. The next screen appears like a DOS screen and looks very similar to the previous DOS-like screen you saw, however it is not asking how much of the disk you are going to use for FreeBSD; instead, it is asking what partitions you want and how much space you want to allocate to each partition.

    Press “A” on the keyboard to select the Auto Defaults option and then press “Q” to Finish.

  11. The next screen is the Choose Distributions screen. So let’s choose your distributions.
    1. Use the down arrow to scroll all the way down to Custom and hit Enter. This brings up the “Select the distributions you wish to install” screen.
    2. Select base and hit Enter
    3. Select kernels and hit Enter and another screen appears.
      1. Select the GENERIC kernel and hit enter. This checks the box but does not continue.
      2. Press Tab to get the cursor over the OK button and hit enter. This takes you back to the “Select the distributions you wish to install” screen.
    4. Select games.

      You may want to skip this because you are thinking, this is my server, I don’t want games. But if you are reading this, then you are not a FreeBSD guru and you are problably a newbie. The “games” option includes simple command line only games and does not take up much space. The important thing is that it includes the feature where every time you log in, you get a nice tip. You can escape your newbie-ness by paying attention to these tips, so just select games already.

    5. Select man
    6. Press Tab to move the cursor over OK.
    7. Before hitting Enter, look at it one more time and make sure you have selected these options: base, kernels, games, man.

      Yes if you are NOT a newbie select whatever you want.

    8. Hit enter. This take you back to the Choose Distributions screen
  12. Just like the last screen, press Tab to move the cursor over OK and click enter.
  13. The next options is the Choose Installation Media screen. If you downloaded the CD or DVD, select CD/DVD (which is highligted by default) so just press enter.

    I am assuming you downloaded the DVD here. Screens may differ in order slightly if you used the Boot Only CD but you should be able to figure it out.

  14. The next screen is the User Confirmation Requested screen. Up until this point, nothing has been done to your system. You drive is untouched.

    Press Enter to choose Yes and install FreeBSD.

    The drive is formatted, configured to boot to FreeBSD, the partitions are created, and the base, kernels, games, man distributions are installed.

  15. The following screen is another informational message that tells you, “Congratulations! You now have FreeBSD installed on your system”. Read it if you like and hit enter to choose OK.
  16. Now you are at the Post-installation configuration screens. You will be asked a lot of questions, most of which you will say “No” too.

  17. Would you like to configure any Ethernet or SLIP/PPP network deices:

    Choose Yes.

    This opens the Network Interface screen.

    1. Select your Ethernet card and hit Enter. The card name is not always the same.
    2. Do you want to try IPv6 configuration of the interface?

      Choose No. (Maybe someday soon you will choose Yes here.)

    3. Do you want to try DHCP configuration of the interface?

      Choose No. (If you are not building a server then maybe you want DHCP but if you aren’t building a server, you should probably be installing PC-BSD.)

      The Network Configuration screen opens.

    4. Under Host enter you host name.
    5. Under Domain enter you domain name.
    6. Under IPv4 Gateway enter you default gateway’s IP address.
    7. Under Name server enter the DNS server’s IP address.
    8. Under IPv4 address enter the machine’s IP address.
    9. Under Netmask enter the subnet mask.
    10. Choose OK.
  18. Do you want the machine to function as a network gateway?

    Choose No.

  19. Do you want to configure inetd and the network services it provides?

    Choose No.

  20. Do you want to enable ssh login?

    Choose Yes.

  21. Do you want to have anonymous FTP access to this machine?

    Choose No.

  22. Do you want to configure this machine as an NFS server?

    Choose Yes.

  23. Do you want to configure this machine as an NFS client?

    Choose No.

  24. Would you like to customize your system console settings?

    Choose No.

  25. Would you like to set the machine’s time zone now?

    Choose Yes.

  26. Is this machine’s CMOS clock set to UTC?

    Choose No (unless you know that it is).

  27. Select a region.
  28. Select a Country.
  29. Select a time zone.
  30. Does the abreviation ‘MST’ look reasonable? (Your time zone acronym may be different.)

    Choose Yes.

  31. Would you like to enable Linux binary compatibility?

    Choose No.

  32. Does this system have a PS2, Serial, or bus mouse?

    Choose No if you have a USB mouse. Choose Yes if you have a PS2 mouse. (Usually a mouse that is not USB is uncommon these days, however, there are still plenty of PS2 mice around.)

  33. The FreeBSD package collection is a collection of thousands of ready to run applications, from text editors to games to WEB servers and more. Would you like to browse the collection now?

    Choose No.

  34. Would you like to add any initial user accounts to this system?

    Choose Yes.

    The User and Group Management screen appears.

  35. Select User and press Enter.

    The Add a new user screen appears.

    1. Under Login ID enter the user name.
    2. Leave the UID unchanged. By default is is 1001.
    3. Leave the Group field blank.
    4. Enter a password.
    5. Enter your full name.
    6. Under Member groups enter this group: wheel
    7. Leave the Home directory as is: /home/username
    8. Leave the Login shell as is: /bin/sh
    9. Tab to OK and press Enter.

      You are returned to the User and Group Management screen.

  36. Select Exit and press Enter.
  37. Now you must enter the systems management password.
    This is the password you’ll use to log in as root.

    Press Enter.

  38. Enter the new password.
  39. Retype the new password.
  40. Visit the general configuration menu for a chance to set any last options?

    You are returned to the sysinstall Main Menu.

  41. Tab to Exit Install and press Enter.
  42. Are you sure you wish to exit?

    Choose Yes. (Make sure to remove the bootable disk from the CD or DVD drive.

Your system will now reboot and FreeBSD should boot up.

Now check out my post about the updating FreeBSD.
What are the first commands I run after installing FreeBSD

This will tell you how to apply FreeBSD updates/patches and how to load the ports tree.

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How do I install FreeBSD?

I have an article depending on the version you are trying to install

I also have aarticles for dual-booting.

What are the first commands I run after installing FreeBSD? Or How to patch FreeBSD? Or How to install ports on FreeBSD?

Ok, so you just installed FreeBSD, an maybe you are not familiar with it, so you think, “What now?”.

Well, think about what you do when you install any platform. You do three things:

  1. Apply patches/updates.
  2. Install software
  3. Post-installation configuration of system and software

For example, when you install a new windows operating system, it is common to go to Windows Update and update your server. Then you install software such as microsoft office, etc… The same for servers. You update the server, then maybe you add your server software. Then you configure it some more.

The order may vary for every install or you may even do this three step process multiple times.

Just because you are on FreeBSD does not mean the same three step process doesn’t apply. This three item process is operating system independent. It is the first thing I do on FreeBSD as well.

So here are the first commands that I run after logging into a new FreeBSD install.

$ su


freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install
portsnap fetch
portsnap extract

Same commands in a nice script/code box you can use to copy and paste.

freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install
portsnap fetch
portsnap extract

Let me explain what each command does:

  1. freebsd-update fetch – This download patches that have been released for the version of FreeBSD you have installed. It does not install the patches.
  2. freebsd-update install – This command installs the patches that were previously download.
  3. portsnap fetch – This download a compressed version of the ports tree. Ports means applications that have been ported or developed to compile and run on FreeBSD. So the ports tree is basically a database of available software that can be install on FreeBSD.
  4. portsnap extract – This extracts the compressed version of the ports tree.

So with these four commands you have your system updated/patched. You also have all the software that is available ready to be installed.

Update 1:

I am not sure why i didn’t know this before, but you can combine each pair of commands into one command:

freebsd-update fetch install
portsnap fetch extract
freebsd-update fetch install
portsnap fetch extract

Stay tuned for my article on searching the ports tree.

Update 2:

As you can read in the comments, it is good to know that you only have to “extract” the ports tree once and for every subsequent update to the ports tree, you should only run it with the “update” command as shown.

portsnap fetch update

How to make renaming of a FreeBSD server easier

I have always felt that renaming FreeBSD was too difficult. I posted about this on the FreeBSD forums, but the response was less than enthusiastic.

A few people said that servers don’t get renamed often, however, they only cited two companies. I just so happen to have worked as a Network Support Engineer and a Product Support Engineer for almost ten years, working with multiple companies a day. Getting asked how to rename a server or appliance was question that occurred multiple times a month. So many administrators asked how to rename a LANDesk Management Suite server that we had to created a community article that was quite popular and deflected many calls. Unfortunately a LANDesk Management Suite server could not be renamed and administrators were quite disappointed.

I use FreeBSD on VMWare all the time and I am constantly renaming my systems, because I use VMWare and clone one and then have to rename the clone.

Use cases for making renaming of FreeBSD easier

Here are some use cases for making the ability to rename a system easy.

Use case #1 – Imaging or drive cloning

Yes most corporations build a server once and clone it.

They purchase 100 identical hardware servers. They build one server to perfection. They then capture the drive (using and imaging utility).

Then they want to deploy the image and quickly change the name and IP address for the other ninety-nine servers.

NOTE: Companies such as mine (LANDesk) and other Computer Management companies have made the imaging process very slick and have the process automatically give the computers the correct name. We lay down the image, then mount the partition, then take steps to make the computer boot the first time with the correct new name. This is a feature not easily done in most *nix operating systems.

Use Case 2 – Providing an Appliance

If you create an appliance and want to sell it, then I guess this is similar to use case 1. Every client is going to get an appliance that has to be renamed for their company.

Use Case 3 – New IT naming convention

You now have to comply with a standard naming convention for your servers or you had one and it just changed.

Use Case 4 – Two companies merge and they both have similar server names

If one company buys another company and they merge their networks, they may have similar server names. For example, maybe they both have a FreeBSD server and they both cleverly named it “FreeBSD”.

A script to change the hostname on FreeBSD

In order to make it faster to rename a FreeBSD server, I wrote this script.


# Debugging
# debug=true

# Declare functions
	if [ $1 -ne 1 ]; then

		echo 'Invalid syntax.'
		echo '  Usage:'
		echo '  '$0''
		exit 1

updateHosts ()
	if [ $debug ]; then
		echo Updating $file file...

	hostname=`echo $1 | cut -d . -f 1`

	echo -e "\t$fqdn $hostname" > /tmp/hosts
	echo -e "\t$fqdn $hostname" >> /tmp/hosts
	cat $file | grep -v "::1" | grep -v "" | grep -v "#" >> /tmp/hosts
	mv -f /tmp/hosts $file

	if [ $debug ]; then
		echo Finished updating $file file...

updateRcConf ()
	if [ $debug ]; then
		echo Updating $file file...

	echo hostname=$1 > /tmp/rc.conf
	cat $file | grep -v "hostname" >> /tmp/rc.conf
	mv -f /tmp/rc.conf $file

	if [ $debug ]; then
		echo Finished updating $file file...

updateApacheConf ()
	if [ $debug ]; then
		echo Updating $file file...

	cp -f $file /tmp/httpd.conf
	sed -i .bak "s/ServerName[^:]*/ServerName $1/" /tmp/httpd.conf
	mv -f /tmp/httpd.conf $file

	if [ $debug ]; then
		echo Finished updating $file file...

# Run
checkParams $# $1
updateHosts $1
updateRcConf $1
updateApacheConf $1

Ideas for continually improving the renaming process

The hostname command could have a switch to try to rename the box permanently. It changes the hosts file, the rc.conf, and calls the port scripts in question.  The port scripts could be handled in either of the following ways.
  1. A folder could be created called /usr/local/etc/rename.d and each port could over the course of the next few years start building a script that is able to edit their configuration files and put i the correct name.
  2. Each port in their startup script, /usr/local/etc/rc.d/, could have a rename switch.
It won’t be simple, and it will take years for different ports to start supporting such a feature, but it could work for FreeBSD or Linux quite easily.